
Understanding the Purpose of Arboriculture

Understanding the Purpose of Arboriculture

You may have heard of the term tree doctor or a tree surgeon. The proper term for them is an arborist. These are professionals in the field of arboriculture that is all about the study, management as well as study of individual trees, plants, vines and shrubs. Many people hire the services of a tree doctor for planting as well as for the health and safety of the trees. In this article, we will look at what arboriculture is and why it is important.
If you’re based in Mumbai or Delhi, we recommend Treecotech for excellent and professional services, especially as they are ISA certified.
As addressed earlier, arboriculture focuses on managing and cultivating individual shrubs, plants, and trees. So, a tree doctor helps with advice for handling and taking care of them. They do not focus on managing forests as a whole, and their work is distinct from that of a forester and a logger. This is a practice that, however, does come under urban forestry.
A tree doctor or an arborist is involved in things like removal, shaping, pruning, pest and pathogen control, fertilisation, training, planting, and selection of trees. Their services are for private properties, institutions, cities, etc., for the benefit, protection, and enjoyment of all people around.
A tree surgeon is a person who is trained in maintaining and manipulating the physical appearance of the tree. They also handle aesthetic considerations, legal issues, as well as risk management in this field as well. They are often hired to do tree risk assessments or tree hazard surveys by businesses to also manage the trees on-site to make sure that all safety and health obligations.
Arboriculture Training
One cannot be an arborist without training and qualification. Arboriculture training is of the utmost importance when it comes to entering this field. While a degree may not be of utmost importance, it is necessary for certain courses in this field. The highest recognized certification is the ACP course given by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).


Tree doctors are hired to help in planting and cultivation of trees at the properties. They also give advice on how to identify a diseased tree, how to take care of it, as well as how to prevent it from happening.
They also handle pruning and removal of trees, and this is something that only tree doctors should be doing. This is because pruning and removal can be extremely dangerous, and people can be severely injured as the tools required are power tools.
Tree doctors can help you maintain the health and safety of the trees, property, as well as people around while also being considerate of any power lines.
We hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of an arborist and the field that they work in. If you have trees in your property that need care, we recommend hiring a tree doctor. And as mentioned, we recommend Treecotech for this.

Tree Care Tips- Treeco tech

Tree Care Tips: How to Keep Your Trees Healthy

Tree Care Tips

Trees are a great asset, not only to the plants and animals but also to the people that live around trees. You can have a great number of birds and squirrels, and you have the obvious aesthetic benefits that the tree can offer you. You can increase an estate’s value as well.

But did you know that trees need doctors like humans and animals do? Trees need care, especially if planted in areas that are not suitable for them, like urban residents. Other times they can fall sick or even be dead, and a layperson may not be able to recognise the signs in time to help the tree. This is why it is important to call a tree doctor even if you feel nothing is wrong. That way, they can tell you if something needs to be looked at, what to watch out for, and also about tree risk assessment. That way, you know exactly what is required for tree care, and your tree remains healthy and strong.

A tree doctor is an arborist who is a professional in the field of care for trees, plants, shrubs, etc. Professional arborists are of two types: consulting and certified.

Consulting arborists are those that specialise in the diagnosing of problems, recommendation of treatments, appraising trees and even suggestions as to where you can get tree service that is competent and efficient. Certified arborists, on the other hand, are actually equipped to offer you services to plant, prune, transplant, fertilise, monitor, and even treat for diseases, insects and even remove trees for you.

By hiring an arborist, you are taking part in good tree care for existing problems, in the prevention of future problems, and even get assessments. This way, you know if your tree can survive where it is planted, if the soil is good for it, if it is going to grow in a specific direction that can end in getting branches tangled in wires, or even if you need to remove or uproot the tree entirely. We suggest Treecotech to you for arboriculture services in Mumbai.

Tree Care Guide - Treecotech

How To Keep Trees Healthy & Strong?

Tree health care guide:

Just as we take care of our loved ones and ourselves because we understand the importance of our good health, we should also ensure good health for our trees. We all know the importance of trees in our lives and so it is our responsibility to keep trees in good condition whether they are located on our property or anywhere around us. Here is a tree health care guide that will help you to do the job efficiently:

Watering of trees: Watering plants and trees is one of the necessities that leads to the healthy growth of your trees. Every plant and tree have different watering requirements based on the species, climatic conditions/seasons of the place where it is planted, nourishment of the soil, underground water level, etc.
Keeping all these in mind the quantity and frequency of watering are decided.
Excessive water can also damage a tree similar to insufficient water. Thus, appropriate water should be provided to every plant and tree. A layman may not be sure of the watering requirements of plant and tree species on their property and around it; in such cases, advice of experts from tree health services shall be taken.

Nutrition Supply: A plant/tree grows healthily to its fullest potential and lives a longer life if it receives enough nutrition from the soil. Sometimes, all the nutrients are not present in sufficient quantity as required by plants and trees. During these times, to fill the gap, nutrients from the top must be provided. Fertilizers are the best way to ensure that trees get ample nutrition. You can approach an arborist from care tree health services to know how much fertilizer should be given to which tree and the frequency of providing this nutrition.

Vigilant inspection: A careful inspection of trees and plants on your property will ensure that your trees are in good condition because while observing your trees and plants even if a minor sign of pests or fungal infection is observed, immediate treatment can be given to the trees.
Furthermore, the inspection allows one to identify whenever the soil is dry or if the tree needs protection from any unwanted activity around the tree like the excessive movement of vehicles, excavation activities, etc. Besides these, there are several other threats to trees which a common man may not figure out but they cannot go unnoticeable from the eyes of a care tree health provider. Thus, it is advisable to get a regular tree health assessment done by a certified arborist.
Regular trimming: Tree trimming, also known as pruning, is essential because cutting down dead leaves and branches ensures sufficient nutrients to living parts thereby enhancing the growth of trees.

Furthermore, managing the growth of the trees such that it is balanced on all sides is also facilitated by trimming to enable the tree stand erect even during adverse weather conditions. Needless to mention, a leaning tree is prone to falling. The arborist who is doing tree health assessment can also offer pruning services to make trees stronger and

Mulching: As a part of tree health care measure, mulching is necessary so that the soil can retain its moisture by preventing water from evaporating. Also, mulch provides more nutrients to the soil. So, build up apt amount of mulch under the guidance of tree health care services. Where to plant: Ideally, this is the first step in the process of knowing the health- care measures of your trees especially when you are planning to plant trees. A tree must be planted only at the place which gives it enough room to grow along with appropriate conditions to grow like soil, sunlight, water, air, etc. Before selecting the right place for planting a tree, one must be aware of the conditions needed by the species that he is going to plant. Tree health services can guide on this in the best way as arborists here have the required knowledge, training, and experience.

Expert advice: If you are not sure about which tree should be grown in your region and where should you plant it on your property, you can seek expert advice from an arborist. Tree health care experts also tell you what are the requirements of a tree (concerning water, air, sunlight, and soil nutrition) before and after planting it. Additionally, their expert advice and regular inspection of the trees give your trees a longer and healthier life. The best benefit is that if you are hiring tree health care services, you may not have to go elsewhere to maintain your trees as they serve everything at your doorstep. Follow the above tree care guide and let your trees live a longer and healthier life.

Tree Pruning Services in India

When Does Your Tree Need Professional Care?

How much time do you spend with the trees on your premises can be clear if you can observe the health requirements of your trees? Besides air, water, sunlight, and nutrition from the soil, trees need love and care from their owners to live healthily. Health check-up from professional plant health care services is further advantageous to maintain trees in a healthy condition. The urban tree experts vigilantly assess the current health condition of your trees and not only guide you with necessary measures required to improve the tree from any suffering but also do the needful treatment necessary for the tree. Sometimes the owner of trees is unsure whether his tree requires an appointment with certified arboriculture consultancy or not. Spending quality time with your trees enables you to point out even the slightest damage to your tree or any type of unhealthy signs that your tree is displaying which will help you to decide the right time to find a contact of certified arborist.  Some of the signs of an unhealthy tree requiring professional care that you can easily observe are:

Leaves: The first sign of health issues in a tree are displayed by its leaves. Discoloured leaves, deformed leaves, leaves with spots and holes can be easily noticed even by a layman. Furthermore, if you observe that a tree is unusually losing its leaves, then it is time to take advice from an ISA Certified Arborist in Mumbai.

Branches: Leafless branches are one indication of an ill tree besides branches shaping too low. Additionally, if the tree branches are falling without any major reason like a storm or heavy winds then a tree company in Mumbai can help you.

Barks: Cracks in the bark indicate the need for tree risk assessment by a professional tree arborist in Mumbai.

Roots: Waterlogged roots certainly damage a tree. Mushrooms at the base of the tree immediately let you know that the tree is unwell.

Trunk: The trunk is another major indication of a tree’s health status. Swelling, cavities or holes, unusual softness, etc. indicate that the tree is in trouble.

When the above signs are observed in trees, it is wise to call an arborist in Mumbai because delaying the appointment with the arborist Mumbai can turn the situation worse for the tree as well as life and property around. A sick tree can infect other plantations in the near vicinity and a dying tree can cause damage to men and materials by falling. Prompt action must be taken under the guidance of tree health care services to save the tree wherever possible, else to save life and property around the tree by removing the dying tree.

Is Preventive Maintenance Necessary?

Is Preventive Maintenance Necessary?

We all know that preventive measures are better than cure measures. The fact applies in all domains whether it comes to security for your business or home, health care of family or self, or maintenance of trees. Talking about preventive maintenance for trees, it can prove immensely useful in the following ways, especially when done under the guidance of a certified arborist service in Mumbai:

Early detection of potential problems: Hiring an arborist in Mumbai for detailed inspection of your tree enables the tree arborist in Mumbai to detect potential problems of the tree at an early stage. Early detection in turn helps to save the tree from probable threats thereby increasing the life of the tree.

Pest Control: Survey of a tree at regular intervals by a tree company in Mumbai ensures that no pests have appeared on the tree. Preventive pest control done by them is also helpful to keep the pests away from the tree.

Disease-free: When the owners of trees get appointment with arboriculture expert agencies often, negligible diseases are expected to occur to your tree as they will take necessary preventive measures to prevent the tree from any disease. This maintenance of the tree will let the tree live a healthy and long life.

Aesthetic value: A well-maintained tree attracts the eyes of every visitor. It improves the beauty of your property and thus adds to its value. Regular pruning services contribute to adding value to your property. A certified tree arborist agency in Mumbai is well versed with tree pruning techniques and thus does the needful efficiently.

Strong trees: Fewer health problems and appropriate care of trees make them strong to withstand heavy winds and storms. This eliminates the chances of damage to your property or people around the tree in case of adverse weather conditions.

Timely tree removal: If a tree is dying due to natural reasons or other factors created by humans it becomes hard to save the tree. Instead of waiting for the tree to fall on a day only to surprise you by causing damage to men and materials, it is better to remove it in a planned way so that no one and nothing gets damaged. An arboriculture consultancy in Mumbai plays a big role in safely removing a tree by initially preparing reports for pruning and removal applications and then implementing their planned strategies.

Since preventive maintenance of trees is so beneficial, any tree lover shall not avoid it.

Is your tree displaying signs for removal?

Whether a tree needs to be removed or not is hard to tell by a layman and even tree lovers. Whenever a tree is to be removed, it is best to hire a certified tree arborist agency in Mumbai because they have a team of tree health care experts who can do the job proficiently, safely and timely. However, before seeking appointment with certified arboriculture agency you can go through following points to make sure that your tree needs to be removed:
The health of a tree: Health of a tree is the primary sign that determines the condition of the tree. If a tree is sick or infected then there are chances that it can pass the infection to other healthy trees nearby. Sometimes trees look healthy from outside but are damaged from inside. Thus, in such cases, you can call for an astute tree arborist in Mumbai to inspect your tree and ensure whether the tree can be cured or will be removed.
Damaged trees: Trees are not only damaged by pests but adverse weather conditions also damage trees. Storm, drought, flood, etc. are some of the reasons that can severely damage a tree. A tree can also receive a fatal strike during an accident by a heavy vehicle. In either of these cases, it is best to approach urban tree experts to assess the tree’s current condition. They not only do the needful to save the tree but also take care of tree removal services if the tree cannot be saved.
Dead trees: Trees which no longer bear leaves and flowers at any time of the year and is standing dry in your premises then it is time to take appointment with arborist Mumbai because they are well versed with safe tree retention and protection strategies and will guide you with the right ways how to proceed for removing such a dad tree.
The leaning tree: A leaning tree is certainly a danger for men and materials around. The reasons for leaning of trees could be a storm, decaying roots ,or any other but it is wise to remove a leaning tree soon unless it can pose a serious threat to human beings, animals, or property around the tree.
Branches of a Tree: Branches of a tree send clear signs of the condition of the tree. Intertwining branches, branches rubbing against each other, dead branches, and branches with longitudinal cracks can be immediately noticed even by a layman, thereby helping them to figure out that tree needs professional assistance by a tree company in Mumbai.
Status of Tree Trunk: Holes on the tree trunk, fungi, and mushrooms on trees are other major signs that indicate plant health care services are required at earliest.
Trees location: When a tree is located too close to your home or sidewalks such that it poses an obstruction for pedestrians or on your driveway or for powerlines, then it can cause injuries or damages. In such cases, either get it trimmed by tree planning consultancy services or go for its removal if advised by them.