Tree Care Tips- Treeco tech

Tree Care Tips: How to Keep Your Trees Healthy

Tree Care Tips

Trees are a great asset, not only to the plants and animals but also to the people that live around trees. You can have a great number of birds and squirrels, and you have the obvious aesthetic benefits that the tree can offer you. You can increase an estate’s value as well.

But did you know that trees need doctors like humans and animals do? Trees need care, especially if planted in areas that are not suitable for them, like urban residents. Other times they can fall sick or even be dead, and a layperson may not be able to recognise the signs in time to help the tree. This is why it is important to call a tree doctor even if you feel nothing is wrong. That way, they can tell you if something needs to be looked at, what to watch out for, and also about tree risk assessment. That way, you know exactly what is required for tree care, and your tree remains healthy and strong.

A tree doctor is an arborist who is a professional in the field of care for trees, plants, shrubs, etc. Professional arborists are of two types: consulting and certified.

Consulting arborists are those that specialise in the diagnosing of problems, recommendation of treatments, appraising trees and even suggestions as to where you can get tree service that is competent and efficient. Certified arborists, on the other hand, are actually equipped to offer you services to plant, prune, transplant, fertilise, monitor, and even treat for diseases, insects and even remove trees for you.

By hiring an arborist, you are taking part in good tree care for existing problems, in the prevention of future problems, and even get assessments. This way, you know if your tree can survive where it is planted, if the soil is good for it, if it is going to grow in a specific direction that can end in getting branches tangled in wires, or even if you need to remove or uproot the tree entirely. We suggest Treecotech to you for arboriculture services in Mumbai.

Arborist in India

Certified Arborist In India

Find a Certified Arborist

An arborist is a person who is involved in the cultivation and management of trees and different plant species. An arborist gets certified only after completing a properly designed course and practically experiencing cultivation, management, inspection, pruning, removal of trees, and similar other essential services related to plants and trees. The first-hand experience during the course enables them to hone their skills in the profession and equip them with techniques for keeping trees healthy and ensuring a longer life for trees. Thus, whenever you need a health check-up of your trees or you need tree-trimming/removal services then find a certified arborist in Mumbai or other parts of India. Besides hiring an arborist in India for managing trees on your personal property or a small scale, tree arborists can be accessed for managing societies, farms, and gardens at public places like malls, amusement parks, etc. For maintaining trees at any of these properties, if you are looking for a ‘certified arborist near me‘, then you can find one by searching online. Here are some qualities that you should look for in an arborist:

  • Certification: As mentioned above, a certified arborist in Mumbai or any other part of India is more dependable than a non-certified gardener/arborist. Certification ensures that your trees are in the right hands, so look for only a ‘certified arborist near me‘.
  • Experience: A certified arborist who also has considerable experience in maintaining the trees can do wonders to your trees. 
  • Vigilant: On the first visit of the tree arborist you have hired, you will be able to figure out whether he is vigilant enough to observe all trees on your property or not. He should be able to assess the current health condition of the trees, infections from which a tree might be suffering, the occurrence of pests, the life expectancy of trees, risk factors that can pose threats for trees, and similar other essential requirements. If your tree arborist is observant enough, you can continue seeking his service, else you may have to look for a better arborist in India.
  • One-stop solution: It is advisable to hire an arborist from only those arboriculture services in India that offer all the services under one roof ranging from tree pruning, pesticide treatment, regular maintenance, fertilizing, planting advisory, removal services, transplantation services, etc. 
  • Team Leader: An individual arborist cannot handle the task of maintaining trees especially when it comes to large premises. He can more efficiently work in a team. So, an arborist who can lead a team and coordinate with other members required to complete your task is the man for your project.
  • Take over the job: An arborist in India who can completely take over your worries of maintaining trees on your premises, does not bother you nor let your trees suffer in any way is worth hiring an arborist.
  • Value for money: Undoubtedly, your hired arborist should be able to give you value for the money you invest in hiring him and in maintaining the trees on your property. His work should be visible on the plantation at your property and that will be evident if the aesthetic value of your property is increased to envy every passer-by. Not to forget, a well-maintained garden increases the value of your property, thereby making your hired arborist more worthy.
  • Prompt Service: An arborist who visits you regularly and soon after receiving a call from you will be a dependable one. 

If you find all of the above-mentioned qualities in a tree arborist from any of the established arboriculture services in India then hire him soon and stay relaxed for tree plantation in our property and their maintenance.

Reasons for Hiring Tree Services for Your Premises

Reasons for Hiring Tree Services for Your PremisesTree planning consultancy services and plant health care services are required by the owners of the commercial properties as well as the residential properties. If you have a question in mind that why should you hire such tree services then here is the information for you after going through which you will also agree to the necessity of hiring an arboriculture consultancy in India for every developed property or under construction/renovation property.

Add Aesthetic Value: An arboriculture consultancy in Mumbai adds aesthetic value to your premises by planting relevant trees. The type of tree/plant, their size, leaves patterns, flowering time, etc. everything is well known to a certified arborist in Mumbai and thus he can beautify a commercial or residential property more than a layman or a gardener can do. Also, the arborist in Mumbai can take care of trees at the property regularly to maintain neatness by trimming plants and trees as and when required, removing rodents or pests, and cleaning the falling leaves or branches of the tree. Such services of a tree company in Mumbai add beauty to your property and increase the property value. The urban tree experts pro-actively take care to plant a tree at locations where it does not pose any hindrance to the development of property or the visitors at the property ever in tree’s life.

Tree Care Guidance: You being the property owner can know about your plant health by making an appointment with certified arborist service in Mumbai. While offering plant health care services, the certified arborist in Mumbai will guide you at every step on how to take care of your trees and plants so that they can live long healthily. Not only they guide, but they can do the task efficiently on your behalf. Furthermore, if any plant/tree is suffering from any kind of infection/illness then the arborist in Mumbai will suggest the appropriate measures that should be taken for the sake of good health of the tree.

Handling of Trees: A tree arborist in Mumbai has a professional eye to identify and assess the requirements of every tree. They are well versed with safe tree retention and protection strategies for falling trees, decaying trees, dying trees and heritage trees. Their tree pruning techniques prove very useful if any tree needs to be removed. The ISA certified arborist in Mumbai pays equal attention to young trees so that they grow healthily, thereby making their services essential for every property.

Contribution to Nature: A tree arborist in Mumbai and other parts of the world help you to contribute to nature by planning for planting various types of trees in your property. Since an arborist in Mumbai is experienced and skilled in the field, he can righteously help you with species selection and planting advisory so that the planted trees survive for long in the environmental and soil conditions at your property.